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Fort Myers Drug Crime Lawyers

At Voelker Law, our experienced defense attorneys represent clients throughout Fort Myers and Lee County who are facing drug crime charges such as drug distribution, drug trafficking, drug possession, drug sales, drug cultivation and manufacturing, and prescription fraud. There are numerous drug-related offenses that a person may face. As criminal defense attorneys, we work to protect our clients’ rights in the face of these serious charges, whether this is in state, federal or juvenile court.

Criminal Defense Attorneys in Fort Myers, Florida

According to Florida statutes, it is illegal to cultivate, manufacture, possess, distribute, sell or traffic controlled substances. Controlled substances are those which are prohibited or regulated by the government, such as illegal street drugs (heroin, cocaine, ecstasy) or prescription drugs which should only be taken when one has a legal prescription from a licensed medical caregiver (such as Vicodin, OxyContin or Xanax.)

The penalties for a drug crime offense will vary greatly depending upon the type and amount of controlled substance as well as the offense itself. In general, possession of a controlled substance is a much lesser offense than the distribution or sale of the same drug. Crimes involving different types of drugs will also result in greater or lesser penalties.

Fort Myers Drug Charges Defense Attorney

To find out how a Fort Myers defense lawyer can help you in the face of your drug charges, contact Voelker Law to schedule a free confidential consultation. Even if there is physical evidence that law enforcement has found against you, there are ways that a skilled lawyer may be able to have this evidence excluded. For example, if you were the victim of an illegal search and seizure, the evidence obtained during this search may not be used as direct evidence against you.

There are a number of ways that an experienced attorney can help you in the face of any type of drug crime charge. At Voelker Law, our attorneys have over 100 years of experience in this field, and we work together as a team to better represent our clients.

Contact a Fort Myers drug crime attorney at Voelker Law regarding your drug charges!

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2200 Martin Luther King Blvd Suite D Ft. Myers, FL 33901
Phone: (239) 289-1974